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Once you can start tolerating light stretching pain free, a standing Hamstring stretch should be performed. Start by resting your foot on a low surface. A low stool works just fine. Hold for 20-30 seconds and perform 3-4 times each day.
Standing Hamstring Stretch on Low Surface

To increase the stretch, tilt your body forward. Hold for 20-30 seconds and perform 3-4 times each day.
Standing Hamstring Stretch on Low Surface Leaning Forward

When this becomes easy, raise the surface that you rest your foot on. For this example, a therapy table was used.
Standing Hamstring Stretch on Raised Surface

Like before, bend forward to increase the intensity of the stretch. Remember, stretch in a pain free range of motion. Hold for 20-30 seconds and perform 3-4 times each day.
Standing Hamstring Stretch on Raised Surface Leaning Forward

Now lay on your back and place a stretch strap around your ankle, pull your leg upwards while keeping it straight. Pull to where you feel a stretch but NOT pain. Hold for 20-30 seconds and perform 3-4 times each day.
Hamstring Stretch With Strap

Hamstring Sets are next. Bend your knee and try to pull your heel towards your bottom. Your heel should not move because this is an isometric exercise. The entire time the heel is pressed into the therapy table. Engage your muscle for 3-5 seconds and perform 10 repetitions, working your way up to 30 times.
Hamstring Set

Try a standing hamstring curl next. Begin by standing on both feet, now bend the injured knee towards your bottom. For this exercise you should build up to 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
Standing Hamstring Curl

When this becomes easy, use and ankle weight to progress. Then perform the same exercise building up to 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
Ankle Weight

Now to eccentrically work the hamstrings grab two dumbbells, pick a weight you can tolerate. Performing a hip hinge motion, lower the dumbbells down maintaining a straight back. This exercise is also known as a Romanian Deadlift. Stop when you feel a stretch in the hamstrings then hinge back up. Work up to 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
Romanian Deadlift With Dumbbells

The same exercise can be done with a barbell, however be sure to continue the correct form. You want your back to remain straight at ALL times.
Romanian Deadlift With Barbell

This is incorrect, the spine is rounding!
Incorrect Rounded Spine

Now try to do this on one leg, this is the most advanced. Allow your non-injured leg to raise off the floor while keeping your injured leg on the floor. Maintaining a straight back, tilt forward until a stretch is felt in the back of the thigh. This is also known as a Single Leg Romanian Deadlift. Work up to 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

When this becomes easy, progress to holding dumbbells but remember to always maintain correct form. Work up to 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift With Dumbbells